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What should we do to stop the B.N.P?

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123everton | 11:12 Thu 11th Jun 2009 | News
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No AOG the BNP do not throw eggs

Their activists have been guilty of Armed robbery and gang rape though.

As I pointed out to you in another thread.

You then tried to equate that to the MPs expenses scandal

I'm sure you recall
If mr Mumtaz Patel has a British passport, then he is British.

Actually - what nationality is TV presenter Andi Peters?

What would you say he is?

does the leader of the bnp nick griffen eat curry ?

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I'd just like to make it clear that I don't support the BNP. If their right to free speech is restricted, then so is mine.
If mr Mumtaz Patel has a British passport, then he is British.
I have a tennis raquet but I'm no John McEnroe.

Actually - what nationality is TV presenter Andi Peters?

What would you say he is?

Looks like he's from one of the African countries to me. I'm sure it's not beyond the wit of man to trace his family tree back.
sp1814, the debate about being British is a tired one. What you have to accept, whether you like it or not, is that huge numbers of inhabitants of Britain are uncomfortable with being told who they have to live with and who is equal in the eyes of committees and councils, despite the fact that they look different, behave differently, live in localised ghettos, raise the crime rate, get selective privileges and housing, and shriek insults at the armed forces of their home nation. I have another word - traitors.
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It's turned into something of a curate's egg this thread.
Firstly I agree that the B.N.P have the right to stand and that they won fairly and squarely based on the people who bothered to vote.
The easiest way to defeat them is to vote against them.
Jamaal Islamia or any other "foreign" nationalist group that bases it's policy on ethnic, religious or national identity has as much right to stand in elections, do other people agree with that sentiment?
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