I took the morning after pill just over a week ago, the chemist told me that I must contact my Doctor if my next period is either very light or very heavy. Why would this be? cause surely if you get your period the pill must have worked right? Well have just got my period and it is extremely heavy and very very painful and im having awful feelings of sickness. Is it still likely I could be pregnant but have a period like this? I am going to go to the Docs by the way just wondered if anybody had had an experience like this?
The BBC website on health and relationships is very good at explaining what happens. I used the morning after pill years ago and can remember having pain and it being very heavy. See your doctor if you need reassuring but have a look at the site anyway.
There is another possibility I can think of, but I don't want to risk saying the wrong thing and causing confusion or upset. Therefore I strongly suggest that you see your doctor (as you have planned to) and let a medical professional explain it to you. Good luck!