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DebsyDoo | 17:48 Sat 20th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Hiya !

Just read your earlier thread -

Perhaps that other object you saw could have been the Saturn V Rocket (with LRO/LCROSS satellite) which was launched on Thursday - scheduled to reach the Moon on Tuesday ?

It's the first mission in a programme that's supposed to be putting man back on the moon by 2020 !

(I only know about it 'cos my daughter worked on the LRO instumentation for NASA & was invited to the launch, along with the rest of the team - all expenses paid - of course !!!)

Alright for some !


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Was that the thread in Science or the good morning thread this morning?

Funny you should mention that, because when I saw the object the other day, it was nowhere near the moon. This morning, it was.
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The "Morning" thread !

Yeah, I guess that'd probably be it then - Makes sense !

Were you able to see it with the "naked eye" or were you using a telescope ?

And whereabouts are you (roughly) ?
I only ask because - maybe it's easier to see from certain parts of the country ?
Hi Debsy - looking thru the naked eye, from the Costa Blanca at about 5:30 this morning. Sorry for taking so long to reply.
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Cheers for that NM, just wondered !
(I take it you were still up from night B4, not getting up at that time !!!!)
That's okay, wouldn't have been able to get it anyway - damn laptop flipped out on me - only just got it back online !
Yeah, you probably had clearer skies than here in the UK !
(dunno really why I'm wanting to see it, after all - it's not as if my daughter's actually on there !)
Hi Debsy.......

No, I actually got up at that time. My dog came into my bedroom asking me to let him out for a wee. Once up, I can never go back to bed. I'm returning to UK tomorrow so it will be interesting to see if I can see these objects from there. Thanks for bringing this Saturn V Rocket to my attention, as I was really curious to know what I was looking at.

I've also seen many shooting stars from this location, on past occasions.

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