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A rant again , why is it

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brenda | 12:05 Thu 25th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
that when someone answers their mobile in a public place ,say a supermarket, they turn away from you . walk a few paces, and then have a conversation in a loud voice,so the whole world can hear.? Or they pace about in the aisles whilst talking. Do they think that everyone else is remotely interested in their chit-chat?


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Lol Brenda , I find it amusing how loud some people shout into their mobiles :-D
Hello.... I'm in Holland.

What show was that from? Dom Joly or something. We used to go over to Holland a lot when that show was on tv & mobiles were still fairly new and huge. We were in MacDonalds once near Delft, our friend's mobile rang - he answers it & shouts at the top of his voice "Hello. I'm in Holland....."
We fell about laughing. The Dutch just looked at us very strangely.
It really annoys me when people just stop dead in front of you whilst talking or texting into their mobile or they just dawdle!!!

Why cannot they move aside??
lol. I took a friend to hospital the other week. whilst walking across the car park he got a call.

he didnt realise there was an old lady walking behind him as he shouted down the phone
"ive got a b0llock the size of a football!"
Lol redcrx !!
Yes its strange how people walk up and down on their mobiles usally looking down at their shoes.

A bit like blokes used to do outside the delivery room waiting for the wife to give birth.
the worst is when your phone rings on a bus , i hate it and kinda quietly mumble into my phone whereas you get those people that are as loud as anything complete with flapping hand gestures, ive never understood that one!!
Strange also how blokes stand outside pubs on their mobile phones and after doing the pacing up and down bit they then start to polish the windows with their sleeves




hellllooooo nim in the parkkkkkkk

phone call thingy
yes dom joly did , everytime i used to hear the nokia ring tone i was desperate to shout HELLLLOOOOOOOO YEAHH IM IN THE LIBRARYYYYYYYYY "

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A rant again , why is it

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