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Catholic masses

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coccinelle | 12:13 Tue 14th Jul 2009 | Religion & Spirituality
4 Answers
A relative of mine has died, she was a catholic. Her catholic friends have told the family they won't send flowers but will buy masses. What are these exactly? and why so many?


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Basically, a mass is said for the soul of the deceased. Although there's no fee as such for this, it is customary to pay the priest for the service.

Why so many? A lot of older Catholics still believe in the concept of purgatory before heaven, and constant prayer for the person was a way to get them to heaven.
You will get mass cards signed by the priest who has dedicated prayers to the deceased.

They say these masses in their memory for a year or more.

My Dad was getting masses said in both Ireland and England....we couldn't keep up with them.
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Thank you both very much. I understand better now. Does the priest send the cards to the family or to the people who've paid for them?
actually neither.

What happens is you buy a mass card, it's signed by the priest as 'proof' that a mass will be said - think of it as a receipt' and then you give it as a gift to the family. It's very similar to a religious condolences card.

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Catholic masses

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