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MJ cleared of child abuse!

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seal! | 23:31 Mon 13th Jun 2005 | News
25 Answers
just so everyone knows!


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What kind of parent who believed that MJ did what they say he did to their child would take money instead of taking him to court?


I think he was innocent. A few parents tried it, got paid off, so more jumped on the bandwagon. I feel sorry for him because of his past (he's obviously very mixed up and it's a shame because he had so much talent), but I agree with everyone else, that he really needs to start acting his age and live in the real world. His whole home and life was make-believe. You can't live like that for ever.

Just remember that he wasn't found to be innocent.......the prosecution simply didn't manage to prove their case beyond reasonable doubt.   There is a difference.

What kind of parent could be bought off, if they thought that someone was abusing their child??

Well, the sad fact of life is that not all children have the luxury of being brought up by decent caring parents! And lots of children end up being sold and worse by so called ~ parents!!

Another case of the White guy getting off.

Can't believe luckyboy's post, took the words right off my fingers...I have seen no comment on this angle from the press, save the comment from Jacko lawyers: 'I will not sleep with young boys any more'.

I agree with you entirely, and would guess that the psychology probably backs this up: you just don't go from wanting to sleep with young boys to not wanting to do this at the drop of a hat. Getting off on the recent charges, may, if anything, reinforce his TOTALLY CRAZY views.

I feel proud to be british now: we wouldn't have stood for this for a minute.

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