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MJ cleared of child abuse!

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seal! | 23:31 Mon 13th Jun 2005 | News
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just so everyone knows!


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Thats on all acounts by the way!
yep, drink charges and all
Who'd have thought it?
well... my only previous post on the subect said that basically I didn't trust anyone in the case, which means I would have had to vote not guilty. Maybe real jurors felt the same.
Whether he's actually guilty or not (seemingly NOT), hopefully now he'll stop the very strange practice of sharing his bed with children and behave a bit more like an adult with a responsibility to them.

Actually, just for my benefit, hopefully he'll turn into a bit of a recluse and never appear on TV or in the the press again.

I wish him a happy life but he does invite trouble with his weird behaviour.
perhaps parents will stop sending their kids to stay.
agree with jno on the parent bit!!!
I did nt think he was guilty just stupid and innocent but I still would not have let my kids stay with him.  What does that say.
ON the evidence presented there was only ever going to be one verdict and they reached it end of,,,

Hi Seal and all, I agree with everyone's post....this MAN needs to grow up.....I have been a fan of the Jackson 5 and Michael Jackson since I was a kid, and I must admit, I watched the Live streaming on ITV news channel, because I really didn't know which way it would go, and my nerves where gone. He has always said, the Neverland Ranch was his way of being a child again..because he didn't have a childhood........maybe some of the blame needs to go to his parent's for not letting him run around and mixing with kids of his own age (just an observation by the way).

At the end of the day.......he was lucky and got he needs to wake up smell the coffee, and get into real life, this childlike attitude he has had for years has to go....if he can go through 3 months in a  Grown Up World, the that's what he has got to start doing for the rest of his life.......I admire the Jackson 5 and Michael Jackson, they have given us some classic music. But he has got to grow up.........NOW

Maybe he got some tips from OJ

Sorry, but I can't help thinking MJ will learn nothing from all this.......except that he can continue to do exactly what he likes!  You would have thought that after being previously accused of similar charges you would try to make sure that you did'nt leave yourself open to any further charges, not so it seems!! As for allowing my children to stay over, NEVER in a million years!!

I think MJJ is only a man on his birth certificate.  There are theories to say that if a child is abused (he apparently was) and has a traumatic childhood (he definitely did) and does not have counselling, at least part of their psyche (sp?) stays at that age forever.  I suspect a large % of MJJ's did!

I agree with the sentiment that he's not guilty, but I'd never let my kids stay with him (see Peri's answer).  However, as my flatmate and I said last night, who WOULD you let your kids stay with?  Only relatives, their friends parents (but only when you know these people) and away on school trips under the supervision of teachers.  I would not send my kids to stay with David Beckham, Robbie Williams or even Gordon Brown!  (I don't even have kids by the way - these are future hypotheticals!)

My prediction, sad as it is, is that he won't live to see the end of 2006 (yes, two double o six).  He is 5'11" and now only weighs 6st7lb or so apparently.  I can see him becoming a total recluse and basically just wasting away and dying. 

One commentator said he needed to do a greatest hits tour to get some money together.  I really hope he can do that - and I'll start saving up for my ticket now! :-)

Mad as a box of frogs / off his rocker / call him what you like but he's not a paedophile, I'm happy with the verdict.   I wouldn't let my kids stay over at any strange mans house, not just Jacko.
Yes but that would go for most 44 year old single males, you can't help thinking that most of the parents are letting their kids stay at Jacko's house because he lavishes them (and the pareents) with gifts and their could be a nice little earner at the end of it.  He was found not guilty and that is it.
I watched it on Sky News and was a bit disturbed by the woman wearing a green top releasing a white dove everytime a not guilty verdict was announced.
I agree spudqueen the fans outside the court including women releasing doves are totally mad I think there is cause for some of them to be locked up.
spudqueen i agree the jacko circus is absurd, as is the notion that whacko is some kind of messiah, he has a painting of da vincis the last supper in his bedroom with him superimposed as jesus...totally ridiculous. but in common with a lot of celebrities and their enormous egos....jacko will no doubt continue his close and unnatural attraction to young boys, his ego will not relent and one day the same thing will happen again to him...and maybe his accusers this time will be much more credible...

One thing that was brought up during the trial was that no girls ever stayed over at the Neverland Ranch in Jackson's bed.  A man wishing to reclaim his lost childhood by socialising is one thing, but for those children only to be male is slightly suspect. 

I do feel sorry for him though.  The trial has seen him lose 3 stone.  He's 5ft11 and weighs about 6 stone, even before he lost the weight he wasn't exactly a healthy build for a man.  I think he needs some industrial strength therapy, it's long overdue.

One of the jurors had signed a book deal with a publisher BEFORE the verdict was given, does that mean that the juror had a Financial interest in seeing him GUILTY or NOT GUILTY? I think that a juror that has a vested interest in making money out of a trial before the trial was over shouldnt be allowed to be involved still, so why was she allowed?

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