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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:51 Wed 22nd Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
Dull and overcast here in Gloucestershire again today. I don't think it's going to improve.
Have a good day anyway everyone.


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Hippety ...

Those big pants are handy if you have nowhere else to put your iPod !

There is only ONE seagull on this site !

hippy! Way to go girl!!

Bet you will just be lovely.

Sounds great to me.

Have a great day pet :0) X X X
Hey, Beauj ...

Do you hail from the North East?

I'm trying to remember which part of the country uses the noun "pet" as a term of endearment.

There is only ONE seagull on this site !

Morning wbm and everyone!

A little brighter this morning with glimpses of the sun now and again.

Have a lovely day,

Funny xXx
JJ-dont thnk beauj is from n / east , my duck
"Duck" ...

Nope ... can't place that one, either.

Manchester ???

There is only ONE seagull on this site !

duck- aylesbury
Beejay, aul smarty pants!! Yea I am!!

Jayne with a Y!

I am from North East - - of Ireland that is!!

Well, somebody has to live here like ya know!! Pet!
Aylesbury Duck ... ha ha ha !!

ps ...

There is only ONE seagull on this site !

Good morning to you all. Six cups of coffee and wide awake. Day off today total relaxation :)

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Good morning early birds!

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