At this late stage I will now give my pennies worth.
I feel very sorry for paraffin by the way many have harassed him.
They have been likened to a pack of hyenas that is precisely what they appear to be. They are always the same crew who twist and turn ones words to fit in with their own twisted thoughts.
I know I have been there, they have made great assumptions, told bare faced lies, and invented certain criteria. But unlike paraffin I have never been forced to give way to their insults and character wrecking that they somehow seem to enjoy getting their rocks off to.
It is interesting to note that the ones who mainly give out this abuse are what I can only describe as 'the caring loving liberal left' it's incredible isn't it? But then Mr Galloway is such a person, if anyone has listened in to his Radio Show, the vile abuse he readily dishes out to anyone who dares to disagree with him.
Reading through paraffin's post again I don't for the moment think that he was condoning the sexually abused at the age of 11 of George Galloway, but I wonder what his accusers would have said if one substituted the name Galloway with the name Hitler?