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Current Accounts - Transferring

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airbolt | 14:16 Tue 14th Jun 2005 | Business & Finance
7 Answers

I am seriously considering moving my Current Account . However two things concern me

* I have no income at present although this may change

* The difficulty of transferring existing standing orders and direct debits

Has any recently transferred ? If so , how did you find it?



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Most banks will expect a regular income and ask you to fill in a salary mandate form as part of the acount opening process. I've seen accounts closed against the wishes of the customer because a regular income that was promised never materialised.
This is not getting at the questioner but if you have no income what is the point of having direct debits and standing orders?
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Per the last response - I still have the same Bills as I did when I was in work and they still require payment.

Not recently, but I changed from the Clydesdale Bank to the Nationwide and it was all very simple and efficient, with the minimum of form filling. The entire process only took a couple of weeks.
Airbolt - think Gef was wondering how you were paying SO and DD if you have no income. You must have some money deposited in a current account to pay these bills so if you have some to transfer I can't see it being a problem.

PS - I pay absolutely everything by SO and DD and the thought of transferring to another bank and all that hassle just horrifies me!!!

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Current Accounts - Transferring

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