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Katoninelive | 19:46 Mon 27th Jul 2009 | Internet
10 Answers
My sister's neighbour has complained to her that her 'WiFi' is giving him headaches! He then showed her a newspaper cutting from the 'SUN'. Is he taking the pi** or does he have an argument?


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Radio waves giving somebody a headache? I don't think so.

But if it is true then maybe it is really the BBC who are to blame ?
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Thats what i thought Rollo but he's quite a nice man who normally dosent say boo to a goose!
He does. Electrohypersensitivity, Electromagnetic Sensitivity, EMF - google them.
Listen to the last half hour or so of last Friday's Jeremy Vine radio programme. Jeremy_Vine_24_07_2009/
easy to prove
switch wifi off - use wire to connect - give it a week - ask how his headaches are ...
You also need to check for the placebo effect.
Leave Wifi on, tell him you've turned it off, wait a week, ask how his headaches are.
I'd do what rojash says.

Keep it on, tell him it's off, and watch his headaches mysteriously disappear.
sneaky .... ^^^^^
Well, if this neighbour is complaining, then they're not the sort you'd invite around for tea. So, if they've not been 'round, how does this neighbour know it's your WiFi and not someone else's that's giving him these headaches?

He probably has his own WiFi setup, sitting there with his anorak and silver foil hat on and his PC running NetStumbler shaking his fist whenever he sees a new network pop up.

Seriously, he, like loads of other Sun readers have seen that and found an excellent scape goat for their headaches. That way, they can pretend it's not their stress, hypertension, bad diet, excessive telly watching and poor sleeping patterns that are making their head sore, it's evil WiFi signals! Then it's suddenly someone else's fault instead of their own. Certainly smells like a Sun article to me.

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Thanks for your answers everyone. I will give her all the info & let her take it from there.

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