I am starting to have knee problems. They don't hurt but they are tender and very weak. Consequently I can't get up from the floor easily w/o gripping something, I am very cautious about going up/down stairs. My knees don't seem strong enough to do it. I am 30# overweight, 70 y.o Is it all downhill from here or are there any exercises. I have to walk very slowly now, I used to be a very fast walker. I haven't had them x-rayed yet. Just wondering if there is any hope that I will be more mobile?
nohorn...can't answer your question as I do not know the condition of your knees, but after 70 yrs there is nothing in your body that goes "uphill".....as illustrated by your user name.
My advice to you is - see your GP. He will then probably get them x-rayed. You may need key hole surgery to wash the joints out. A friend had her knees done a few years ago and strengthened them up no end. I have the same problem in one of my knees but it's not bad enough yet.