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pericat | 14:43 Wed 09th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
7 honours - we are very pleased


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very brave choice of colour BOO - lol
when my daughter was at primary school, her uniform was a black skirt, red polo shirt and GREEN cardigan, well weird!

congrats pericat, I bet she will sleep tonight now all the worries are over!
We're all so chuffed for your daughter Peri, you shown her this thread yet?

And yes, it is an odd choice, but it strangely works, the tartan bits in the skirt has purpley lines in it, so it matches...sort of!

lol Cazzz, that sounds hideous!
I had boring green and grey as my school uniform. Wish I'd had funky colours. I always wanted the red checked summer dress I saw other girls wearing rather than my boring green one :c(
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I will show her later BOO she's out with friends now. Who chooses the colours of school uniforms - black, red and green - what countries flag is that. The secondary school here its royal blue and pale blue shirt. The skirts are really long - what length do they wear them over there
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we had a beautiful bottle green
Very happy for you and your daughter peri. Tell her she's a clever girl.

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