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Does anyone want a kitchen fitted.....

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puss_boots | 22:37 Wed 09th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
You will get a perfect kitchen, but the doc will make a mess, so if you don't mind cleaning up after him the he's your man.


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I've got a new kitchen waiting to be fitted :-(

I've been waiting a while now....
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Be careful are no match for me..!!!

It's a very simple reason actually and that's becaused there was a leak in the bathroom so we're waiting on the insurance to come and fix the floor and ceiling...then we are fitting a new bathroom. It's a bit pointless fitting a lovely new kitchen to have a load of rubble landing on top of it...

I think even you might be able to understand that....
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Who do you think 'we' are when I'm talking about a kitchen and a bathroom. You've been spending too much time talking to noway armydud..!! It's rubbing off....

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Does anyone want a kitchen fitted.....

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