does anyone know if it is possible to get jaw pain with indigestion? my husband had chest pain pain in his right arm and jaw pain-- he was taken to hospital with suspected heart attack ecg clear and blood test 12hours after ok tthere fore was allowed home.GP suggested a gastroscopy which shows inflammation in stomach and duodenum,and husband going back to gp next week to see what he suggests --the question is ---could inlammation cause pain in the jaw?because he had the same chest and jaw pain today while out shopping.
Acid reflux can cause chest,shoulder,throat and jaw pain.He will probably be prescribed something like Omeprazole to bring it under control if the tests/gastroscopy prove that to be the diagnosis.
sqad,yes it has i was in hospital for a month when i had a bleed,and they done all the tests,i need to have it operated on but when i was so ill i was like a vegetable and put on so much weight,but here i am a few years later,walking,talking and my sense of humour has returned,although as i said my balance is awful,sick a lot,get very tired easily,l. side still slightly affected and shaky hands,god i'm falling to bits,ha ha