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john1066 | 19:00 Tue 15th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Today i had a McDonalds, a pint of Carlsberg, a game of Bingo at which I won £36, and the love of a good woman...What else can a man want out of life..How\'s your day been?..x


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I'm sure you could write a country song based on that john. My day has had bright spots and low spots but I have a lovely beef casserole in the oven to look forward to ! Don't correct my grammar there
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You said you had a casserole in the oven..Yes?..
Woken at 7.15 by a text off my eldest son telling me Patrick Swayze has died. Got up to watch the news and see what AB had to say about it. Chilled for a while, had breakfast, went out about 12 and met my BF for lunch at The Bowling Green, went to the antique market at Heskin Hall, never been before, bought a pretty little china trinket dish. Went to Asdas, bought eldest son a microwave and a slow cooker for his new house. came home, mowed the lawn, waited for AB to restart, spole to distressed daughter , put pizza in for a snack, poured a bacardi, answered this question.............
Yes I have john.
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Dot....You didn't tell us what you had for breakfast..I had two slices of toast , one with marmalade the other thickly covered with Peanut Butter...God, don't we have exciting lives !!x
Got up had phone call from daughter re Patrick Swayze,spoke at length with an Insurance Company along with the Local Council re an impending claim,went to Chemist for stuff for a temp filling -cracked tooth,raced to work and worked then raced to Tecos for a Savoy cabbage so i could see the start of Come Dine with Me,textd 2 friends,scoffed cabbage,brought washing in.watered plants which have left me with blue fingers (Miracle Gro),nipped arcross to the auld yin with her coffee,put more washing on the line,spoke to my O/H about me going to Yorkshire for weekend ,here for a nosy then off to email my twinny.Then I shall attempt to see the end of Mama Mia.That was a lazy day for me :)
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Now going to watch "Friends" on E4..Watch it every night..wouldn't miss it..speak to ya later x

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