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if you found £500....and be honest....

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stokemaveric | 15:13 Tue 22nd Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
would you hand it into the police????


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Pericat has been watching 'The Shawshank Redemption' !! Similar thing happened in the Film.
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lol EMPTY the church if i sang lol
Yeh vibra - didn't stay in Mexico - moved to Ireland had a sex change bleached my skin and here I live today
I did find about £300 quid on floor and I found out who's it was and gave it back to them
Serious answer is yes I would hand it in - I'm too straight for my own good
I know how gutted I;d be if I had lost that amount.
I once found a wallet with over a hundred pounds in it. Luckily it had the owner's address inside so I took it round to their house.
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if you found £500....and be honest....

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