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Breakfast Drinks

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Rosie29 | 20:08 Sat 04th Jan 2025 | Food & Drink
6 Answers

Ive realky gone off the Azeera instant coffee that I have had had for some time.  I shall look for another brand  - I quite like L'or or revert to ground coffee..

I dont drink tea apart from herbal.   But I was wondering if anyone could suggest something different that can be served hot.  For example hot Ribena .ight be nice.

Any thoughts please or recommendations for a good coffee - instant or otherwise

I have a cafetiere


Thank you









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Arabic mint tea?

Lavazza Americano instant

Taylors "Lazy Sunday" ground coffee

I sometimes do enjoy a hot Ribena before bedtime.

I used to be able to find Lavazza everywhere, but it's vanished recently. I recently tried L'or, but I didn't care for it. Azeera is OK, but at the moment I like Kenco Millicano best.

For a different hot drink, I like Miso...often served as a broth in Japanese restaurants. You can get sachets or...more authentic...miso paste. It's salty, but you can control the amount. As a fermented product it's good for gut health. 

Lemon, ginger and honey. Lovely

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Thank you everyone for replies.  I will certainly try some of them x

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