I hope you are all well this morning, there is a gloriously crisp blue sky outside my window - I hope you have similar luck!
As always we are listening out for any site improvements you desire or any bugs out there. We have a long list of them currently but if you think we've missed anything, let me know!
Good morning Mr.Ed!
Has the problem with AB Server 'crashing' been resolved ? I'm referring to the Heavy Workload issue which happens every Sunday when many Users Log-On to this Site !
We've had progress so far, it went from "crashing" to "just slowing down" last week. This week we are hoping for "minor slowdown" - it is like a engine being finely tuned, we'll get it to race standard in the end! The test will always be on Sunday for the speed of the site and we just can't know if it is fixed until then!
When a user has closed a thread could there be something displayed to indicate that the thread is no longer open to answers e.g. THREAD NOW CLOSED in large letters at the top and/or end.
There are a few cases where someone finds that the Post An Answer option is no longer available and then proceeds to start a whole new thread for the answer they want to provide because they reckon it must be a bug, rather than the more prosaic reason of thread closed.