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Why is everything nicer through Rose coloured 'drinks'

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Bobbisox | 22:19 Wed 21st Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Hello y'all I have been out for a pub meal at tea-time
Me and my friend Judith had 2 bottles of Rose, supposed to get back earlier!!!
Why does everyone and everything....look so beautiful?

LOL Bobbi

must be that I am pissed,,,he-he


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I know 20...I took a swig a few months back and it made me ill. Ginger had three shots and the keeled over....
have a girls' tequila night out boobi.........then try and type.....
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I might have to retire gracefully craft...splutter!!!
lol ummm...i can believe that all right...

i'll bet there are some old farmers in ireland who run their tractors on that stuff!!! ;-)
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should I stay or should I go?????
I can't even feckn see the keyboard now...LOL
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Think I will go
don't wanna make an arse of mesel...ffs

How many times have I done that on here???
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OK, nobody loves a drunk...I get it!!!

so I will bid you all Goodnight my friends, I will be bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow!!!!!

Boobi x...see ya!
nite nite bobbi
sweet dreams pet and NO more hitl's please :D
I fell asleep - did i get here too late - hi bobbi bye bobbi
Night Bobbi xx

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Why is everything nicer through Rose coloured 'drinks'

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