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cazzz1975 | 12:54 Thu 22nd Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
noticing your frequency in the last few years to use the name "kevin harrison" or "karen harrison" for random replies on serious questions, I thought I would send you a link to a news story today concerning a kevin harrison.



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Haha! You just made my day cazz. Thanks for that.
And this man says he teaches his kids manners.....
That's why he is unemployed
Or could it be because he's a lazy git?
probably both!!
warning, longwinded reply:
the boy was suspended for barging past another teacher, which is a disciplinary issue, he wasn't suspended for not standing up when the head enetered the room, I wonder how this will escalate when he refuses to stand when he returns to class, and i wonder how many other pupils follow his lead.
We had to stand up when the head enetered the class, it was a mark of respect and we automatically started doinf it from the first day we started Grammar School, noone would have ever considered not doing it, as we were not taught individuality nor had a naturally rebellious nature, until about 3 months in when we would hide our transister radios down the back of the radiator on a tuesday lunch time to hear the top 20 list read out on radio 1. then it was sheer annarchy in double maths with Killer banks in charge ( the teacher)

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