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Time for the Defence Minister to be on Question Time?

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anotheoldgit | 12:06 Thu 29th Oct 2009 | News
7 Answers

In view of this air crash, (along with the sad loss of life), that could have been avoided if not for "penny pinching" by the MOD etc. and the other loss of lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. Should the Minister for Defence, now invited onto the Question Time panel?

If so would he also be ostracised by the other members of the panel (including the chairman) over those issues, just as the BNP leader was singly condemned over his views last week?

I don't think so somehow, it seems that some of the great British public are more concerned over a Right Wing party, that at the moment are only accused of what they might do if they ever get to power, rather than the fact of all the blood that some politicians of the so called moderate parties already have on their hands.


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A very valid point, aog,

I said in an earlier post that, odious as the BNP is, it is prepared to put onto the agenda some of the issues that many people have in this country, but upon which they are denied a rational debate by the mainstream parties. Those parties are now beginning to understand what happens when you stifle debate on legitimate topics.

In reality the BNP have no chance of holding sway in the UK. They are not even likely to have a single MP elected to Westminster, or indeed a candidate who is likely to come second or third. The fact that they have two Euro MPs is only by virtue of the fact that voters do not vote for their representative to air their views in that forum, but for a party who then chooses whomsoever it likes to send on their behalf.

Nonetheless, the great British Public has chosen the BNP as the catalyst to suddenly become interested all matters politic, when in fact far greater threats to their freedoms and lifestyles have existed for some years in the current batch of dishonest buffoons sitting on both sides of the House.

It is very doubtful that the Nimrod issue will get the sort of coverage on QT (or anywhere else) that Mr Griffin got last week. Nor will those responsible for a very real tragic event (not an imagined threat which the BNP is said to pose) receive the sort of pounding which Griffin received and which dragged Dimbleby and QT down into the mud.
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The Secretary of State for Defence would be an ideal candidate for Question Time - the Government have many questions that need answering.

Don't understand why the paper are baying for Ainsworth, he has only been there 3 months. The tragic crasgh happen over 3 years ago.

here are the real culprits, named and shamed:


If Ainworth lied about saying things that anyone could see him saying for themselves on YouTube, then he would be ostracised, but I doubt even he would be that stupid.
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I can see no mention of Des Browne on that list, or even Tony Blair.

Aren't these two at the top of the pyramid?

In the meantime it is Brown and Ainsworth in the chair.
When was the last time a minister accepted responsibility for what had happened 'on his watch' and resigned?
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Yes i agree she will get a pasting and quite rightly too, but I don't think she will be constantly on the hook.

Questions will be about Nimrod, why Britain is still in recession, Postal Strike, Who should be EU President etc.

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Time for the Defence Minister to be on Question Time?

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