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Seadragon, I think you're tying yourself up in knots to a degree by saying that I've omitted an essential component in interpretation. We're talking about doctrine - not the interpretation that individuals place upon that doctrine, and I've already said that atheists can be morally evil. 'Sin' does not necessarily equate to 'crime', and neither does it necessarily relate to morally objectionable acts. Sin is a transgression against God's will, and as such, is a religious concept that atheists do not, and cannot, adhere to. Furthermore, sin does not necessarily relate to a contravention of ethical principles in the rational sense. Both you and Sophie speak of interpretation, and you speak of individuals being contaminated and conditioned by society and culture, but according to the Christian church, all babies are born sinners. Are they? What have they done? This is not a moral issue and there can be no interpretation of this particular doctrine. It is a fundamental tenet of Christianity, and it means what it says. All men are born sinners - and therein, in my opinion, lies just one of the evils of religion that, as a major cultural influence, does, as you rightly say, condition people from the moment they're born.