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whorrabout a smut thread tonight

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Bobbisox | 17:20 Thu 12th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
for sqads?
innuendos a-plenty
about 9ish, anything goes???(the watershed)
Let's do this proper like!!!!

Her Royal Highness, Queen Bobbisox of the North


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Thanks love - that is most reassuring. Like Rinks said, when I called a halt to all smut & innuendo for 4 days last summer.... I was persuaded to restart it. Felt like coming home.. ! x
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can't beat a bit'o smut
nadds, bums and t!ts
Bobbi you can't just start a thread of smut, you have to start a thread on garden sheds or cornish cream teas - then you're guaranteed the smut!!
I love sallas smut -its like JJ's -very clever and funny !!
I'll try and drop by and join in tonight -is Peter Andre on tonight at 9? Might have to multi task :)
hasnt the smut already been ongoing?

btw I dont think sqads a night user
Not generally on here he's not cazzz -but lucky Mrs Sqad once he's fired up lol

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whorrabout a smut thread tonight

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