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Just once in a while......

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janzman | 11:50 Tue 24th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
....I come across a new word that really pleases me.In a crossword a couple of days ago, the answer to one clue was 'PERSIFLAGE'. What a great word.It means 'light hearted good natured conversation or banter'. Pretty much sums up Chatterbank really...most of the time anyway :-)


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It's a similar word to percyfilth and so i would probably get them muddled up, Geoffrey Bubbles Bob Bon
Ooh I like that, we are now known as 'PERSIFLAGISTS"

Her Royal Highness, Queen Bobbisox of the North
this is an actual word its ace just cos its long deep breath...............
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not to be confused with percysledge which is something to do with the soul

I thought that was a light spanking.
Oh, great Aber name that would make Wise Owl, wonder who will be the first to grab it
waits with baited breath

Her Royal Highness, Queen Bobbisox of the North
wonder if we could think of a new karma sutra position and call it the persiflage???
<smut alert>

zeee you tinker..LOL
can always rely on me to lower the tone joy xxx

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Just once in a while......

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