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Reheating chicken

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Avatar | 18:11 Tue 24th Nov 2009 | Food & Drink
8 Answers
Had a roast chicken on sunday, very nice. Got load left over though. Whats the best way to reheat it and have it with spuds, greens and gravy for another meal next day?



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A cunning plan! And saves heating the oven up just for 1 chicken breast too! Cheers.
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If you need to heat it quickly, put it in the gravy and microwave on medium/low power until bubbling for a couple of minutes, works with any roast meat!
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Bloody marvellous.
Cheers all.
When I'm doing it I slice it up and set it on a plate on top of the boiling potatoes, then set the lid of the saucepan on top of that. This reheats it slowly and keeps it from drying out!
I know you said with greens and gravy - but personally I cube the chicken and mix it with condensed mushroom soup with curry powder, heat thoroughly. serve with pasta or potatoes.
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Reheating chicken

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