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darlingducky | 14:49 Tue 19th Jul 2005 | Body & Soul
5 Answers

i really like this guy!! woz told he felt the same!! we were scorin 4 a while but it all went a bit wrong we stopped talking. he has been with my friend wasn't all that impressed, now hes tried it on with my other friend trouble is cant stop liking him am i stupid?

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Was in a simular situation myself where after I stopped seeing a certain bloke he tried it on with my best friend...and he still is TRYING actually! Lucky my friend is wise to his game!

Wouldn't say you were stupid for still liking him even after his childish and immature actions (how old is he by the way?) as it will be hard to just forget but he clearly isn't worth the aggro if he's doing this to you! Move on, there are actually nice guys out there!

Forget hm girl, you are better than him !!
i was in the same situation as you when I was in my teens.. liked this guy, saw him on and off for 3 years and whilst we were off he would try it on with my friend.  So glad I came to my senses....don't know what I saw in him at the time.  I see in about 3 times a year (if I'm unlucky) and he just looks so horrid.  The thing is after we split up, him and my friend dated for 5 years, he turned out to be a nasty piece of work and now she has left him.
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thanks for that !! have tried! stopped meetin him round feb then woz with him again bout 2 weeks ago!! its just so confusin! then when ever im out people just always say it to me my head is just wrecked!!
Hi Darling ! don't worry, I don't know how old you are, but I'm 27 and the same happened to me a short while ago ! So I know what it's like to really like someone despite knowing he's a total w****er, AND being repeatedly told so by all your mates ! All I can tell you is that he sounds like he is definitely not a nice guy, or he wouldn't be doing what you describe. You deserve better, and believe me, you'll find it ! It might take a while ( even a very long while ! ), but you'll soon realise it. He's not worth it, love ! Stop seeing him, have fun, meet new people, and don't be tempted to go back to him whenevr he's a bit nice to you. He'll only be taking advantage. And : NO , you're not stupid ! Good luck ! X

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