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members of Sturmabteilung of Nazi Party

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Mavisg | 11:09 Mon 28th Dec 2009 | Crosswords
12 Answers


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tHanks, but it's an 11 letter word B*D*N*H*R*S
Davao, you should have known that!
The D is wrong ...

The answer is brownshirts
Sorry Sara 3 but I am in the Philippines and do not have any English newspapers delivered to the door
give me the Philippines and no newspapers any day :o)
Well you will have to do without a White Christmas as you will see davao is a bit too close to the equator
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Thanks everyone! I was really careless, reading the O as a D. Serves me right for scribbling.
I wonder what the clue was that Mavis has got wrong !?
Aah ... okay

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members of Sturmabteilung of Nazi Party

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