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son in law and grandson are my first foot... piccy !

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Bobbisox | 11:37 Fri 01st Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
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Sqad -what cha mean right?
Does bah humbug continuue on to New Year per chance -anyway happy New Year to you and your family from Bonnie Scotland x
Cheers, sqad :0)

Thanks Dris xx
Yip Joy -the very one -not been very festive for me-never mind worse things happen at sea x
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unfortunately we are at their mercy pet, still a load of thieving bar-stewards tho..LOL
Joy ♥ a is a bloke, holding a child, both wrapped up in a snowy garden, the family of which is an ABer whom I have never met and unlikely to do so.
The photograph could have been Osama Bin Laden and his child for all I know.

What am I supposed to feel?
Oooops sorry I missed the :-)
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Do I attract controversy...ROTFL
Sqad the picture I posted when doc asked us for some...errr, you rightly assumed that was me..LOL do make me laugh :-)
LOL.................Copy being rushed out to ya, squiddly


Joy....I don't care ...that photograph is the way that I want you to look. Have kept it for my "lonely moments" ;-)

To you all:

The obligatory dinner parties with repetitive and idle small talk have been avoided, probably because we haven't been invited.
The working class are still talking about "the bloody good pissups" and awaiting the arrival of their credit card statements, half of the middle classes are still eulogising over "a wonderful family get-together," the other half wondering what to do with the unwanted and totally inappropriate presents whilst the upper class and privileged are returning from their break in the sun.
And so ends the religious festival of 2009-----Am already looking forward to Xmas 2010 with trembling excitation
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That make me upper-class then LOL
I would have been returning next Thursday from my vacation, I wonder if I married beneath me, errrmmm

Bobbi ♥
We have a bloody good p1ss up whenever we feel like it....
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yeh, w-tf wait for NY..LOL
lol Sqad (sorry for the lol) -I agree.
I have had the most unfestive time.I am not rleligious and the 'festive' season does my nut in hence buggering off to the relative sanctuary of Spain.Then Ryanair decided to bugger that up and for as much as I genuinely wish everyone the very best for the forthcoming year I just cynically know its gonna be the same heap of sh!t I have put up with ad infinitum.
Cynic moi -never !!!!
after reading all of this - Sqad you are a total softie underneath - I read the cat thread so you cant hide it
Oh and morning Bobbi - love the pic - our back garden looks like that today - without your son and grandson of course
aww lovely ,happy new year bobbi all the best for 2010 for you and your family x

from Cherry and family xx
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same to you Cherry x

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son in law and grandson are my first foot... piccy !

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