I will not even acknowledge any trolls or even newbies, lest they be trolls. I won't refer to it again, as to do so would just give the situation undue attention.
And sorry to everyone for being so damn argumentative, I was just truly shocked an appalled by some of the recent abuse - and it takes a lot to shock me !
So there you have it, no more troll bashing, just business as usual....
You still love me, don't try and deny it Boobies.... And if it's any consolation, I had to go to dentist before I went away and I was really wimpy about it but it was actually not too bad and so far they've not needed to do the root canal they hinted at.
Well im back! Gobs not wired shut, some of you will be sorry to hear ;-) Though it is dumb on me right side and i'm drooling slightly- which is attractive...