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Gromit | 17:19 Thu 14th Jan 2010 | News
10 Answers

Dangerous driving or slap on the wrist will do?


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Used to see it all the time years ago, I'd be going to work at 0500 and all you'd see is vans with a little letter box sized peep hole, and an agonised looking face peering through it.
If the police are having to ask neighbours to look out for her (very sensible advice, obviously, especially if she's behind the wheel), you sort of wonder whether she should be driving at all.
/// Police have used the image for a poster campaign to warn drivers of the dangers of not taking heed of safety advice issued during the cold snap.///

A typical example of why it is necessary these days to dish out all this 'Health & safety' advice.

We see it on nearly everything we buy, common sense to most of us, but unfortunately there are many amongst us, who are a little short of those good old 'Brain Cells'.
perhaps 'old brain cells' are the problem?
Wasn't the driver of the lorry only 24?
he had a blue face if that helps ?
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aog, the lorry driver was young, but he had his reasons (however troubling). Not sure the driver in Gromit's link had any excuse other than old age, though I could be wrong. Being beyond the first flush of youth myself (and even the 18th and 19th flushes) I don't want to stigmatise the elderly unnecessarily; but some shouldn't be driving.
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