thats certainly true tambo- gets a bit spicy now and then! Well is not the most upmarket in town but its ok and I see lots of different faces every day which is nice. Its certainly the busiest in town! Used to work in a petrol station four years ago but this one I have to lock up and everything which is a bit scary!
Well my highest qualification is an NVQ 2 in business admin.
That sounds really crap. I should add to that really.
Was it you tambo who was the accountant or are you still?
I had thought of that before and haven't entirely ruled it out. I'm not sure what I want to do. Customers are really annoying sometimes and I really don't have the patience but I do like having people around yet I want to work alone rather than as part of a team. And I would like to feel as though I am helping/advising people somehow.
Someone invited me to join that ages ago. I have ignored the request because I don't want people to know who I am or start posting things on my facebook that might embarass me