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Derek Acorah

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RJUKL | 17:31 Tue 09th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
What springs to mind when you read the title? "Please".


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yogi and redcrx I believe that Acorah was being serious in the clip and only laughed at the end out of embarassment and because the other two were killing themselves.
youre entitled to your own opinion RJUKL. Do you think the spirits set him up? :)
He certainly did seem to fool the incredibly gullible for a while...
Don't beat about the bush Mark.............
derek is a cold reader so is colin fry
Twas the time he claimed to be talking to "King Charles I" that made me suspicious....
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Just watched the Michael Jackson clip "it oozes out of you" and you too Derek Acorak!
But he's already been proven to be a charlatan when during one episode he started talking about dead people associated with the place that the team were due to visit the following evening. That's why he was sacked, IIRC...
I know a bloke who used to be called Derek and had a full sex change operation and now plays international golf for England as a woman.
Camp buffoon ...
hello andy, where have you been? you've been missed x

derek acorah - charlatan with shiny teef?
^^^^^ Think i may have been there, Andy...........Is it In the Lake District?
I always order chicken acorah when i phone the takeaway
John Edwards is brilliant though. I;ve just been in asdas and there was a tall dark haired bloke in bthere dressed head to foot in grey and black biker gear with a really really squeezable elbow.
no ed it was definately his @rse
Thanks mcfluff - I am still here!

Can't access at work for some reason, and can't be here every evening, but I am still here. Nice to be missed.

A x

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