19a A noisy dispute(7) ??A?G?E Is this WRANGLE or BRANGLE
22a Taking place on the earth's surface(7) ??I?E?E
17d A nozzle for a blast of air(5) T?Y?? -second letter of this word is the first of 19a
23a An ancient Roman ghost of the dead(5) L?M?? Is this LAMIA?2d The sapi-utan or wild ox, like a small buffalo(4) A?A?
30d An old kind of madrigal(2-2) ?A/?A
Can't concentrate on this Xword now as I keep on crying after seeing the rugby!!! Any help much appreciated
10a Terms used for particular occasions only(5-5) I put WATCH WORDS hence A?A for 2d, so if WATCH WORDS is wrond, then ?O?C? / W?R?S
If TWYER is correct then 23a is L?M?R