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I'm off to an fff

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stewey | 23:26 Fri 26th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Surely I'm not the only one to hates going to these. The last two f's stand for family function, and the first f stands for All they want to talk about are their recent operations, their grandkids, whose in hospital, whose pregnant or about to be. They don't drink, smoke, or tell off-color jokes, and say grace prior to eating anything. Am I being unreasonable in not wishing to go?..............If I don't answer ,it already means I'm gone:)


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I suggest you get sozzled before you go ;)
I rarely go to them... I hate them all and they probably all hate me so it's a win win all round...
Go in drag, that`ll change the conversation
ha ha - he's been dragged off on a choke chain ;)

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I'm off to an fff

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