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Rebel or not?

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benny3008 | 21:14 Tue 02nd Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
How many reported Question's & Answer's have you got?


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Question Author
I have 7 reported questions and no reported answers!
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Reported questions - 6

Reported answers - 0 (I have 550 removed though)
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Question Author
I have 107 removed Qu's and 132 removed Answer's.
Question Author
NoK, there is no way you have only had one question/answer reported!!! you must be joking!
Reported: 4

Removed: 19
Questions = 20
Reported = 0
Removed = 0

Answers = 15624
Reported = 0
Removed = 24 (to the best of my knowledge all of those are due to 'technical glitches' when I've clicked twice on 'Submit')
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No questions, but 8 answers, no idea which ones they were! If someone else's thread is removed entirely, and you've responded to it, do those answers count as "removed"? I can think of a couple of threads which were taken off which I had answered. If so it seems a bit steep - I don't think my answers would have offended!
It all counts boxtops...that's why mine is so high.
0 reported but 58 Answers Removed! I don't think I've ever been offensive. I assume it's because other people's threads have been removed
1 reported question but 3 removed

0 reported answers and 39 removed
Wow Chris- that's a lot of answers. I've only answered 6620.

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Rebel or not?

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