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TV channel mix up

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Linda51 | 17:40 Fri 12th Mar 2010 | Technology
3 Answers
Since the digital change-over channels 1,2,3 & 4 on both our TV's are welsh, has anyone any idea how we can get them changed over to Granada. Thanks.


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Do a retune
You havent said what sort of receiver.
Instead of just following the "additional channels have been found" prompt where your 1,2,3,4 have probably been renumbered as 801. 802,803,804 now do a factory reset of your TV receiver. Sometimes called shipping condition. Look in the manual if you cant see the option in MENU.
For a while the signal strength from Winter Hill (Granada Region) during the switch over was less than the Welsh receivers.
Email [email protected]
or call free on 0800 40 85 900. Lines are open Monday to Sunday between 8 in the morning and 9 in the evening.

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