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poodicat | 20:11 Mon 22nd Mar 2010 | Body & Soul
30 Answers
Do you find it easy to nod off?i dont!!


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I dont find it easy at all. Hubby can sleep anywhere though.
I can nod off very easily. The problem is being a light sleeper and waking up about 2 hours after nodding off and then frequently waking on and off all night between vivid dreams. I could quite easily then nod off again late morning (and often do)!
Nodding off is not usually a problem. Staying asleep long enough such that I don't go around all day in a daze, not being able to concerntrate as I did when I was younger, is a much bigger problem for me. Yet another laugh that my mind/body is having at my expense.
Not at the moment no.
a full stomach knocks me out. I live like a snake; from meal to meal ;)
When I was younger I developed tha ability to sleep whilst stood bolt upright and at Attention. It's a special trick that stood me in good stead for many years
Sometimes there is a medical reason for not being able to sleep easily, a couple of things come to mind - thyroid problems and low iron or ferritin. Maybe if not already done you should get checked out for both if you feel it could be something like that. Hope that helps.

best wishes
can sleepon a clothes line - not always good tho - i sometimes have to work nights! horribles x
After posting you last night, I went to bed and couldn.t sleep, I;ve been like a zombie all day.
Try lying on the edge of your bed you'll soon drop off !!!!!!!

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