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When i was accidentally banned you(or your former you) reinstated me

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dothawkes31 | 21:21 Sat 20th Mar 2010 | Site Suggestions
53 Answers
can you find it in your heart ed to reinstate NOK even though it was an intentional ban? He's from Yorkshire like me and to us a spades a spade and we only use a shovel at the appropriate time,


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thank you dot for considering me appealing...............I think if the editorial team have made up their mind no amount of requests will bring nokno back.....I personally think the site will be the poorer for that decision.
Dot, I'm a bit of a non-entity on here. the Ed never replies to me or acknowledges my existence. I'm not enough of a crowd pleaser.

I'll back craft, though!
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in a democracy we have to assume every voice will be heard, which is why i will be posting several more Garth Brooks vids over the course of this evening.
oh cr@p
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On that note I think I'll go read a good book.........
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we did used to have the AB phone number, I had it on my old nokia Enter URL
Did someone mention 'democracy'??

on here......never...!

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When i was accidentally banned you(or your former you) reinstated me

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