Young cpl gave me JRussel y'day as they have 3horses, 2cats & 2staffs. They live in council flat in London suburbs and expect a 3b council house + garden after 3rd babe due soon. He's scaffolder (little work presently & she's a mum = not employed).
My point: how is it possible to own so much without income or mortgage? Bit hard on the tax-payer ?
My kids own flats & houses that they have to work hard for. They've been out of work, refused council properties due to their parents owning a property.
Nowt to do with snobbery.....unless its the Council's snobbery only giving properities to those borne into the system.
"OU (Open University) test you on txt speke as part of IT Diploma. "
Do they really?
Well nobody with an OU diploma in IT would get a job in my IT dept. then, I'd rather be working with people that can speak and type in a manner that is at least close to proper English.