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suzie1 | 20:22 Thu 01st Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
that i am female

that i have two kids

that i work


that im insane

you have only taken my word for it!!! is there anyone out there who isnt who they say they are.......come on now be truthfull................

I am all of the above, but insane! and that's gods honest truth!!!!


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I see your previous post got you rattled?

I was joking with my replies, but I do have to be honest and admit i am wary of you. Whether through no fault of your own, because you've been baited, or whatever you do have the tendacy to snap. As such, I do walk on egg shells a bit around you.

No offence.
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Many things we are but mind-readers is not on the list.
If you say that you are insane we take your word for it as we do about other things. Although, I suspect we could probably have reached that conclusion ourselves....
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i said i was all of the above but insane..i am not insane for the umpteenth time jack

boo you shouldnt have to walk on egg shells around me, im a nice person, i just get annoyed at times, but i promise that i wont be nasty any more, if thats what i have been...soz :-(
Are you a liar? Should we have called you a liar and confronted you when you'd given out the above information about yourself?
You are what you post ....i'm not interested in who or what you are ..
this is answerbank ...
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im not a liar society, i am female, i have kids and everything i say about me is true, but the joint bit was over the top in my pratt*ng around.....all im saying is i dont smoke joints etc and im am as sane as you guys..........i think, hope your not insane
I am not a button, and I do not normally panic.
I'm not Jack but I do have a hat.................and I'm sane...........and I don't lie.
its pointless lying on here, your historical posts can be checked back via a simple search
OK, I admit it, I've been lying all along, I'm not really called Chuck.

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