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I'm just sitting here...

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NoMercy | 15:09 Mon 05th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Getting absolutely blasted on vino... watching the shenanigans....

As you were, pilgrims...

X x x x


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yer can't beat a bit of shenanigan I think
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The Shananigans ?

Is that an Irish version of The Simpsons ?
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Who mentioned Shananigans, JJ?

Fancy a nice viognier, hun?

Hey Booby !
Am doing much the same JJ great isnt it !!!!!
bit naughty that madhatter
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anyone pulling a moonie?
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Sadly not, Fluffy... the weather is extremely overcast, but we did manage to have lunch out front. I think those crazy lot have dissipated or just gone out for lunch.
NM may I join you in the wine tasting please,,,errrm medicinal like,,lol
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Bobbi.... I would be delighted for you to be chief sommelier... x
AB Ed has let the Terminator out NoMercy !
Where have all the new Posters gone ? lol
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Who's been zapped then, Red?

Not my lovely Leg I hope?

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I'm just sitting here...

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