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If the volcano in Iceland kept spewing out dust for months or years...

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sandyRoe | 12:29 Sat 17th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
how would that affect the economy of Europe?


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The Indy traveller correspondent got home from Scandinavia by booking a berth on a container ship. OK if you know how, but we can't all do that. I wonder what all the people who work in the airport shops and services are doing, are they laid off while the airports are closed?
How come there isn't any ferry services in east anglia (that i know of) i'm sure its not too far to Holland or the very north of France.
Ferries should be running mollykins, the problem is getting a Berth as they are all Booked up solid.
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Isn't Harwich in East Anglia?
And Felixstowe.
Molly, there are ferries in East Anglia - there are services from Harwich (not sure about Flexistowe these days) but Harwicn sails to Hook of Holland and Denmark etc very regularly. If you count Essex in East Anglia then you have Tilbury etc. The ports are very busy, with or without volcanoes!
oh yeah, in the very south, but i thought they were just docks for imports, i didn't know you could get ferries from there . . .
You can go from Harwich to the Hook of Holland which isn't too far away for us East Anglians mollykins but the RoRo we were promised here where I live ,which would have gone to Scheveningen has never materialised .Since Norfolk Line pulled out of the town we are stuck One road in one road out :)
Doom & Gloom, It`s the end of the world, The end is nigh, Fairwell cruel world. Fire and Brimstone etc etc. Oh come on, let`s not get downhearted.
Nearly all the ports have ferries as well as commercial docks (exports as well as imports, don't forget!)
one volcano 70,000 years ago came very near to wiping out the human race - only about 10,000 of our ancestors survived.
We might run out of food

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If the volcano in Iceland kept spewing out dust for months or years...

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