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What sort of an illness could David Dickinson have to have turned his skin...

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sandyRoe | 17:26 Wed 21st Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
...that remarkable orange colour?


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Bad bad AIDs
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I was thinking more along the lines of Sunbed-itis.
It's quite obviously a severe and incurable case of Acute Ronselia, coupled with Tangoitis. Poor man. I fear for his future...
His hair doesn't help the total look either does it? Minging!
Unusual shade of jaundice...
it may be spray tan fever, symptoms include:

tanned linen
face shaped brown markings on pillows
dark brown palms
no skin leatheriness
He's been eating too many carrots.
He can't help it, he got tangoed
He's naturally darker skinned anyway, being of Armenian descent.
I think mother-loreal or mother-uv rays helped him a leetle
cleptomania with a special fettish for fake tan?
He has a mahogany patina, like old furniture gets.
Does anyone else think he was separated at birth from Hughie Green by the way ?
too much carrot juice ..
Creosotitis he would be perfectly camoflaged besides my fence.

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What sort of an illness could David Dickinson have to have turned his skin...

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