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DX - phooeeey!

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tamborine | 12:16 Thu 22nd Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
can't wait any longer for their delivery of passport - am off.......bukker the stupid thing!


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tamb my grandsons has just arrived via courier as we speak
-- answer removed --
brilliant that
Bobbs x
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Please send telepathy messages so I get delivery soon......3rd day of waiting. They phone & say I can't have it registered to PO & dont want to drive to their London dispatch centre.

Charges incurred if am not in for them!!
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still bluddy waiting.....I have got a business to run ! Shall I chance the fine ?
Question Author
Y'all witness to me staying in waiting for DX all day on Friday.....they never arrived !

I might send this site to them if they issue me with a fine - hope that's ok ;)

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DX - phooeeey!

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