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stewey | 00:52 Mon 26th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
37 Answers blimey limeys: anyone still awake?


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Well sorry to hear that hippyhoppy has the drinking got anything to do with your grieving? Also can you afford to lose the job your in?
Stewey who's the tennis player in your photo with a bird in one hand and a beer in the other, that sentence sounds good though he has the wrong kind of bird!
lol - not nearly drunk enough to go to work ( and I blame my Out-laws as they live in Spain in practically force the stuff down!) - just feeling down today.. and not sure why
Life's a bit of a rollercoaster ups downs and crazy loops! Stay strong and on top of it hippyhoppy!
I'll be fine Biggie - I'm a tough cookie! single parent of two children, so don't have a choice! Would love to be adored and cared for but that's not going to happen any time soon!! hey ho!
Lol, well you're not lacking in the self confidence or enthusiasm department!
I'm just being practical - just a bit of a wobble this morning.. sure there will be more as time goes on..
Hippyhoppy It's not about falling down, we all fall down! Its about how quickly you pick yourself back up dust yourself off and keep going...This is what distinguishes us.
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Bigfoot, that's me in Montego Bay with my feathery friend Chico and a bottle of Red Stripe beer.
So it was dragon stout and jerk chicken all the way eh stewey!
The thing is Biggie.. I've kept going from the day mum popped.. so today I thought I'd 'hit the wall' as t'were' but it was only a wobble.. so can see that probably on holiday next year I'll dissolve and be inconsolable (and people won't understand why).. never had a dead parent before so not sure what's correct composure..
We all grieve in different ways hippyhoppy there's isn't a set of do's and dont's.
Pft - they should give us a set of rules.. as they should when annoying children appear (after drunken fumblings!) - how are we supposed to know what to do..? Anyhoo - off to bed...How can I corrupt small children in the morning without at least 5 hours sleep!!? laters!!
a close friend was found washed up on the beach at Montego Bay - I think she was murdered.
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just thought stewey may have read the case....obviously not
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