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Illegal immigration?

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TWR | 09:22 Wed 28th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
If you watch Border Control on Sky, do you think the French at Callie should do a lot more than they are doing to stop these people from getting into the back's of HGV's? Should the Government from their Country of Origin be Billed for all the work involved for their removal from the backs of HGV's? & before you HR bridge start to jump up and down, think about the result!!


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The Calais polce and immigration officials are happy for these people to be getting onto the lorries, it takes the people from their own soil and makes them someone else's problem.
Imagine those people were in the UK and trying to get across to Ireland. Would the UK authorities be busting a gut to try and stop them?
I bet we would be doing a damn sight more than the French!

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Illegal immigration?

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