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what was the last lie you told?

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zzxxee | 08:26 Thu 06th May 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers


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I've never told a lie..

(so that ^ will be the last one I told then :))
Question Author
lol chuck mine was i was out when really i was in didnt want my annoying auntie coming to visit !!!!!
I neither lie or f*****g swear
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ha ha razza nice owl by the way x
I do little white lies.
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im also a 6 foot leggy blonde size 8 no stretch marks !!!!
Damm that swear filter sometimes eh?
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Question Author
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i didnt even swear !!!!! i put im a 6 foot l.e.g.g.y blonde how is that swearing ????? minus the full stops
Can't remember. Ahem.
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That I washed and t-cutted my car because I wanted the exercise and I have pride in my car (Truth was, I'd scratched it to high heaven on the bush cos I reversed out in a temper and it was in a bit of a mess).
oh salla, I parked my car in a bush.. I never thought it would damage the paintwork :o/
Bushes have a habit of jumping out at me as I'm driving. It's quite bizarre....
Fixed the "leggy" thing. It isn't really a relevant joke anymore!

Spare Ed
"Of course I'll be voting for your party.............."
last night but i'm not saying what it was :-)

(just checking)
Question Author
cheers ed i did wonder !!!
Probably told someone a doctors not here when in reality they're sitting opposite me with the oncall bleep going off every two minutes... Seemed fair enough to me.

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what was the last lie you told?

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