In the run up to the election,Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg gave us promises of openness,transparency,change,a new way of doing things.
In the first week after the election,before a government is even formed,they are proven hippocrites,doing deals,carving up the country behind closed doors.
I want to see these discussions.Why not let the cameras in(they where everywhere else in the run up)
Why don't they practice what they preached and be open?
They just seem the same old hypocrites and we have to like it and lump it,maybe for the next 5 years when we get the same old fake promises!
I am just getting fed up of election this that and the other and everything getting done in secret.
What are they doing anyway,eating cream cakes and drinking champagne??
You are right,I don't believe politicians EVER,but I would like to know exactly what they are trying to thrash out.They did say openness and transparency and a closed door is not that.