Also I have 2 young girls 17 and 20. All these years I gave paid EVERYTHING inc Mortgage. Now marriage problems so I just wanted to know I I can sell the house without her permission and move into a flat etc? What are her right etc
Doesn't matter if her name is on the deeds or not. Marriage means shared. Estate split will almost certainly not be in your favour. Trust me - I've been there. Get a solicitor fast - and don't move out!!
One more thing. I want to sell the house(my name on the deeds,bought before marriage) and buy a flat as we cannot afford it and wife refuses anything I say like cut down expenses or Contribute towards expenses as I cannot manage to pay for everything.
I knew of a bloke who upon his divorce hired a jcb and literally broke his house in half with it. That might be an idea.
A couple of years ago my uncle bought a brand new BMW 5 Series off a bloke for £10. The fella had been ordered to sell everything and split the proceeds, so hi house got flogged for £20, the car for a £10, and everything else went for £2 each. It was a total bargain hunt lol
Many have not understood me. I want to buy a flat and still stay with my wfie. My original question 'can I sell my house which is my name only without her permission?
surely if you want to still live with your wife then she will agree to the sale?
Or do you want to sell the house, and rent separately?
Many have 'not understood' because you are not making yourself clear and your OP has been answered
I thought your question said that you wanted to sell the house and move to a flat on your own (I got this end of the stick because you said "marriage problems etc"). Perhaps you need to give us more details.
Thank you Everyone. I now realise I did not make myself clear at all as to the reason for raising the question. Writing up a question now seems more complex as there are a lot of considerations. Once again thank you all
I will now end this thread
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Do you know the answer?
Married for 21 years. House in my name. Can I sell it without wife's ok?